We drive hackers to despair
A single hacker attack can permanently damage a company's reputation and cause economic damage. Get ahead of cyber criminals and spies with the help of MW IT Solution's pentests. Our penetration tests look for security gaps in your IT infrastructure. We protect your data and only log the vulnerabilities that arise.
At the end of every pentest there is a vulnerability analysis. This report is the basis for further proactive measures to protect your IT infrastructure.
Would you like to find out more? Request a pentest consultation.
What happens during a pentest:
During a pentest, we launch a hacker attack on all of your company's systems that you have approved. This allows us to determine which vulnerabilities exist in your IT infrastructure. After a successful pentest, we provide you with a detailed report on all vulnerabilities found and offer you concrete recommendations for action to close your security gaps. Your day-to-day business can continue as normal during our pentests. This means you can concentrate fully on your company while we take care of everything else.
Our pentest methods:
White box test (test from inside your system): Here we get precise information from you about your system and infrastructure and then look for possible security gaps. During our search we then uncover errors in the configuration and the insecure parts of your system. At the same time we also check the applications you use.
Black box test (test from outside your system): Here we start without any information from you and act as a normal attacker would. We try to access your system from outside using our tools. We look for significant security gaps and log them. This means that the black box pentest is very close to reality and we can determine the limits of your system.
Grey Box Test (combination): Here we start with a hybrid approach to the security testing of IT systems. With this testing procedure, we only receive limited information about the systems to be tested, which typically corresponds to the knowledge of an employee, partner or an authenticated user. Our goal here is to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited both through internal access rights and through possible external attacks.
Mobile: Here we analyze and evaluate the security of mobile applications and devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) with regard to current threats. We examine your mobile devices based on known and unknown security vulnerabilities in order to prevent possible attacks in advance.
Social engineering: Here we test your employees' awareness of phishing and interpersonal influence. A social engineering test can determine how easily attackers can gain access with the help of their colleagues and employees.
Why is a pentest worthwhile:
Responsibility towards your customers: Your customers trust you to keep their own data safe and secure. To ensure this, you need to know whether and where there are vulnerabilities in your system.
You are liable: If confidential information from your company is available for anyone to read online following a hacker attack, this can result in a whole series of warnings and lawsuits. Especially if important customer data is involved.
Security requirements are unclear to you: Nowadays, there are many different requirements that a current system has to meet. In this case, it is better to be safe than sorry. Let us prevent an attack now
Protect your entire company: Not everyone can navigate the internet safely or knows the dangers of clicking the wrong button. With our pentests, we not only test your systems, but also your employees. We not only provide concrete recommendations for action, but also offer training in the area of IT security to sharpen the security culture of your employees.