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BITMi launches ISO 27001 group certification for members

MW IT Solution GmbH

BITMi starts the ISO 27001 group certification – be part of it!


As a BITMi member, you now have the opportunity to take part in an ISO 27001 group certification. Together with our partner EuroConsult, we have negotiated the best possible conditions for you. These are valid until the end of the year.


To start the group certification, we now need at least 12 companies to start a group.


The benefits of ISO 27001 group certification:


  • Effective protection of your information, data and business processes

  • Continuous improvement of your IT processes

  • Ensuring the trust of customers and business partners

  • Reducing corporate and liability risks

  • few auditing days

  • Conservation of resources

  • Price advantage compared to individual certification

  • Relief for employees

  • systematic introduction


AddOn NIS2

If you are ISO 27001 certified, you already meet 70% of the NIS-2 requirements. If you wish, you can also get NIS2 certified by EuoConsult for an additional charge.



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