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  • MW IT Solution GmbH

Departmental consultation of the minimum standard for the information security management system in federal IT consolidation (ISMS ITKB)

The increasing consolidation within the framework of the Federal IT Consolidation (ITKB) also involves the transfer of responsibility for information security. Appropriate integration of the information security management systems of the ITKB institutions is essential in order to maintain a uniform level of information security in the context of consolidation. The necessary rights and obligations of the ITKB institutions are listed in the Federal IT Consolidation 2.0 Information Security Guideline and are to be detailed in a new minimum standard. The draft of this minimum standard was developed in consultation with all relevant ITKB stakeholders.

When drawing up minimum standards, the ministries are involved in the interdepartmental consultation and asked to comment on the draft. The draft was made available to the ministries on May 17, 2024. A community draft was not created because this minimum standard is specifically geared towards the federal government's IT consolidation.

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