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Shortly before introduction, uncertainty regarding the implementation of NIS2

MW IT Solution GmbH

The NIS2 security directive comes into force on October 17, but so far only 14 percent of companies have met its requirements. A recent survey by Zscaler of 875 European IT managers showed that 80 percent of respondents want to meet the requirements by October, but that only 49 percent of IT managers believe that company management fully understands the new requirements . One reason for this hesitant implementation is that the details of the implementation and cybersecurity strengthening law were only announced with the draft bill on Monday, June 3. "The implementation of NIS2 threatens chaos," warns Bernhard Kretschmer, Vice President Services and Cybersecurity at NTT Ltd. "Every company that falls under the NIS2 directive should start implementing it now at the latest and resolve all problems in its IT security architecture as quickly as possible," says Kretschmer. The first step towards implementation is to determine how you are affected. According to a representative ESET survey, 14 percent of companies do not know whether they have to comply with the directive. NIS2 has a wider scope of application than NIS. It also includes medium-sized companies with 50 or more employees or an annual turnover of ten million euros or more , as well as large companies with 250 or more employees or an annual turnover of at least 50 million euros .



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